Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chloe is almost 6 months I can't believe it! she is a good baby she just has to be held when she is going to sleep, I haven't let her "cry it out" yet, I think it hurts me more than her but eventually I will let her cry it out. She is getting very good at sitting up I still don't feel comfortable with her sitting by her self but she does a pretty good job on her own.

Last week I discover our "walk" Every day I try very hard to get Chloe out of the house for about an hour, I very firm believe that children need to get out and get some fresh air, even when they are little. So after three weeks of going "down town" for our walk and getting tiered of that I needed a different view.I found one of the most beautiful parks I have seen Foster Park. The picture above is the back drop of a quiet park, perfect for a picnic with your child playing on the playground. I am so excited that we have a park that we can go to that is walking distance since Gary and I only have one car.

So if you know Chloe, you know that she doesn't go any where with out her pink Glasses, she is very sensitive to the sun light. So you wonder hum she has new shades and a big rim "meme" hat on... You might wonder why? It wasn't because she out grew her shades no, in fact she was growing into her shades nicely. Let me share two lessons I learned on why she has new shades and a big hat...

lesson 1. never leave your fav. shades alone for a minute while you are changing her on the changing table at your water park, some one might want them more... (yes while changing her and leaving them on the changing table with her and grandma right there some one swiped them!)

lesson 2. Sunscreen doesn't mix well in the eyes... Poor Chloe. Yes mommy was being very protective of the uv rays that she went a little over board. I decided that she should have some sunscreen on her cheeks and her noise so being careful I did such. then I lathered her arms and legs... you can imagine that I also got her hands and so as soon as I was done she kept rubbing her eyes because of course this is her nap time and she could care less where we were or what we were doing she wanted to nap and rub her eyes. So now her right eye is watering and red I thought all right lets wash her little eyes and hands and face off and keep her out of the sun while at a water park. Luckily we had grandma and grandpa and Aunt Meme to hold her as she cat napped. So thinking that I got all her water babies spf 50 off of her face I thought oh good all is all right with her. 2 hours later she broke out in a rash on her cheeks... Luckily all she needed was a good bath. So now no more sunscreen on her face, she gets the biggest rim hat available.Chloe and mommy are happy!

Pictured above is us in our pool, a pre water park expiernce

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Early July pictures

I wish I could take credit of "taking care" of our back yard but since I have only lived here for a week when these pictures were taken, I can only take credit in the photographs

Our little country Girl, I couldn't resist taking this picture at Iowa Falls River Bend Rally on the 4th.

Chloe loves Grandma and Grandpa's boxer, Adrian is so good with her!

Chloe Loves Oat Meal she is likes to play with the spoon, this time we were able to teach her how to use it... More lessons and lots more practice...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Back up your files

We made it to Iowa Falls and so far so good.

Iowa Falls is such a pretty place to live, it's in the middle of the Iowa River Green Belt community which really means that every where you go there is green all around you. For only being here for less than a month every one I have talked to knows exactly where we live by saying we bought the Jone's house, Oh yeah they say I bet you have the best appliances (the Jone's have a shop: Jone's Appliances on Washington st.) It's sorta crazy how everyone know everyone and that it's a close knit community.

Home ownership is work... and although in my little minds eye I thought that once Gar got a regular job I would see more of him it's not exactly what I had in mind. We seem to still be doing some house or home stuff to our house. We have a long list of things that we need to do out side, like get rid of the Cacti in back yard and weeding, inside we still have pictures that need to be hung and things to be put away so not so much couple happy family times as I imagined. It is a happy time in our lives just not "easy" anyways life does go on at lighting speed....

Chloe can almost sit up on her own, she does a pretty good job so far but I don't let her out of my arm's length. She is eating lots of food and so far her favorite is sweet potatoes, Carrots and Oatmeal with Kayro Syrup in it. Her favorite toy right now is chickie ( a chicken that sings the chicken dance and flaps her wings and her beak moves while she sings) It's fun to listen to her squeal but I know have the chicken dance song memorized and I start to hum it when she isn't around. So I have to wonder is there therapy for that if I really need it?

Besides having a 5 month old and moving into a new house it's been awhile since I updated my blog some may ask what happened to the Christensen's, We lost all of our files on our "family" computer! So if you are reading this please pleas please Back up your files, window users it's easy go to system preferences and chose Back up files, then all you have to do is burn all that stuff onto a dvd or more. you may ask How did this happen? When you don't have your anti virus updated (you usually this happens when you use your computer on a regular basis, by getting online so it can get the protection you need) viruses can enter into your computer even if you just cheek your mail once you don't have the protection you need. That is what happened to us we lost or can't retrieve all of our pictures from the last year! So this is a friendly reminder to back up your files! So every two months on a Sunday I will be diligent enough to back up the files aka pictures. a lesson learned the very hard way.